Sunday, December 23, 2007

(2) Sooki Soo, (not quite) Tanka/Haiku Poems

Poem # 1

The most Noble Loving Creature

Sits beside me with loving gentle kindness

Saying nothing but communicating always

Her gratitude and love permeate my Soul

Fill my heart and complete my life


Poem # 2

My little girl, Sooki Soo

My heart swells, thinking of your life

All the joy, sweet happiness, sorrow

What I would give for one day

To say again how I love you


My Thanks to Yukiko from for inspiring me and instructing me on the correct construction of a Japanese Tanka Poem, even though these don't exactly match the criteria, you liked them and they were written spontaneously, in the true nature of a Tanka/Haiku Poem.
Domo Arigato Yukiko-san.

For a discussion of Haiku and Tanka Poems construction go here:

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