Sunday, December 23, 2007

ADM 353 Final Paper - Leadership Class - Barry University - Miami, FL.

· Leadership Class Final Paper ·

· Professor Clifford Larue

· ADM353 BA

· Barry University, Spring Semester

· Student: Timothy McCall



The following paper will present for consideration a theory of "Universal Leadership". This concept is a synthesis of the concepts presented over the last 10 weeks during the series of lectures given by Professor Clifford LaRue on leadership. Following the paper is a diagram showing the "Universal Leadership" process. The precept behind this theory of leadership is essentially one of universality. Both of experience and approach by the person exercising leadership. By approaching leadership from a universal perspective, we are able to fully comprehend and address a diversity of leadership situations without being constrained by any single approach or theory of leadership.


While the theories presented in the class textbook were comprehensive and applicable. My feeling was that the textbook failed to show the inter-relationships and inter-dependencies inherent in the implementation and practice of leadership and by default, management skills contained within these separately presented theories of leadership. All leaders exhibit traits as described. The same statement would hold true for each of these presented theories of leadership. While this statements applicability would certainly vary along any evaluated leaders behavior continuum, the relativity of this statement should become apparent under further consideration. The field of physics has always sought what is described as the "Grand Unified Theory" of physics. This "unification theory" has sought to take the various theories of particle physics and unify them into a coherent whole. In much the same way, I would postulate that all of the leadership theories presented in the textbook can be unified and presented as a coherent, comprehensive theory of leadership. While completely addressing this concept is outside of the scope of this paper. It is my hope that this paper can serve as a basis for consideration and development of this initial concept into a cogent, empirical theory of leadership which proves relevant to the leadership process as it is practiced throughout the world today. In addition, the implementation of a "Universal" theory of leadership would, by default, promote the development of a "Universalist" mindset. Both by the leader and the "ledders". This result could only provide benefits to all involved and participating in this process. As a leader in her field is fond of saying, "That's a good thing" (Martha Stewart)

The class final paper and assignment were as follows:

Document 9 Leaders defined by the following Leadership Theories:

#1.) Trait Theory of Leadership.

#2.) Style Theory of Leadership.

#3.) Situational Theory of Leadership.

#4.) Contingency Theory of Leadership.

#5.) Path-Goal Theory of Leadership.

#6.) Leader-Member Exchange Theory of Leadership.

#7.) Transformational Theory of Leadership.

#8.) Team Leadership Theory.

#9.) Psychodynamic Theory of Leadership.


Since this class and the presentation of lecture material were so radically different from what I would normally expect in a standard, conformist, Undergraduate level class. (To me, that was a welcome departure from the norm) I felt it was appropriate to address this paper in a manner which was a departure from the assigned standard for our final paper. Rather than finding this departure unusual and unwarranted, I would hope it is viewed in the context that this material is being evaluated and synthesized, then represented for analysis, by one of your self-described "2 of 22" universal leaders. The underlying, unspoken thread which was inherent throughout the series of lectures on this material has had one underlying theme. That of "Universal Leadership". By breaking free of the constraints imposed by our externally imposed "Guarded Gateways"ã. We are able to move past the mindsets associated with them and more fully participate in the universal human process. I will present for consideration, nine leaders. I will attempt to demonstrate in each leader the following characteristics:

#1.) Which of the 10 Realms of Socio-Political Leadership they operated within and the associated constraints imposed by these arenas.
#2.) Which of the Seven Arenas of Leadership these leaders operated from within and the major activities and inter-relationships associated with them.

#3.) Which of the 10 Continuos Centers of Conflict and the Guarded Gateways of Diversityã associated with those centers these leaders derived the majority of their leadership characteristics and traits from and some of the constraints imposed on them by those same Guarded Gateways.

#4.) The application of the 9 theories of leadership to each of the presented leaders activities as leaders framed within the new paradigm of "Universal Leadership" and as developed and demonstrated by commentary and diagrammatic means.


#1.) Joseph Campbell, Author, Scholar, Teacher, Lecturer, World Religions and Mythology. (excellent internet site!)

Background: Joseph Campbell is revered by numerous groups of learned peoples as a groundbreaking, visionary leader in his chosen field and occupation. As a young man he was interested in Native American Indian culture. As he grew older, his interests expanded into all areas of mythology and religion. He attended Dartmouth and Columbia Universities and graduated from Columbia with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He later returned for post-graduate studies in literature which he never completes because of differences with his Ph.D. committee. Just prior to the stock market crash of 1929 he retires to the woods of Woodstock. He then embarks on a course of voluminous reading. His insights and synthesis of a wide body of knowledge were the result of this self-imposed 5-year exile and retreat. Shortly afterward, in 1944 he begins work on his first book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". This book will serve as the cornerstone for his later ideas and developments along these lines. Joseph Campbell later writes numerous books with mythological themes. George Lucas cites his writings as inspiration for the Star Wars books and films he later produced.

Universal Leadership: Joseph Campbell operated from with the Socio-Political realm of USALANDIA. He embodied the principles of:

Universality. As evidenced by his synthesis of diversified "mythologies".

Stoicism. His self-imposed exile was a living example of this virtue.

Advocacy. His ability to show the hero's journey in multiple races, cultures and times.

Liberty. Of the mind from the constraints imposed by our "cultures" (Gateways)

Altruism. Freely sharing his insights and knowledge with others.

Nature. Surely his greatest love and something he championed

Demythology / Truth. His synthesis of multiple mythologies effected this result.

Individualism. His portrayal of the hero's journey promotes this concept.

Alacrity. Evidenced by his lifelong pursuit in this area of knowledge.

Additionally, he operated within the Humanities, Philosophy and Religion Arena of Leadership. His primary activities within this realm consisted of studies of the common elements of mythology and religion. Drawing parallels between completely different belief systems and showing the universality of the experiences of humankind.

The primary areas of the Continuos Centers of Conflict, which defined Joseph Campbell, were Religion and Myth. He made substantial accomplishments in unifying disparate cultures perceptions in this area. He was able to largely free himself from the mental constraints imposed by the guarded gateways of diversity. This was primarily through his ability to comprehend, assimilate and internalize other cultures thoughts and belief systems and understand them with something other than a secondary perspective.

As a leader, I would have to say that Joseph Campbell's primary modality would have been as a Psychodynamic, Transformational leader, secondarily he would practice Leader-Member Exchange leadership skills. My classification along these lines is justified primarily by his high level of focus on the "mythological" aspect of the human experience and it's ramifications for our personal experiences. He believed that by better understanding these aspects of ourselves and our diversified cultures, we would become better people and by default better leaders. He desired to lead by teaching us all about the commonality of our experiences and belief systems. He did this by lecturing and writing. This justifies the classification as a practitioner of the Leader-Member Exchange theory of leadership. Even though Joseph Campbell passed on in the 1980's, his intellectual legacy still lives on as evidenced by the extensive material on his organizations website and the devotion to his writings exhibited by large numbers of people both nationally and worldwide. He is a credit to the example of "Universal Leadership".

#2.) Bruce Lee: Actor, Author, Artist, Poet, Philosopher, Founder of Martial Art System Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do.

Background: Bruce Lee is considered by many aficionados of the martial arts to possibly be one of the greatest martial artists of all time. Certainly he is the greatest of the 20th century. He embodied and lived by the concepts and philosophy of his field of endeavor. He was a consummate practitioner of all things associated with martial arts. Physical and spiritual strength with intellectual knowledge. He was not only a formidable fighter, he was also a budding philosopher who attended the University of Washington and who's personal library contains over 2500 books on everything from Yoga to Western Psychoanalysis. His formulation of a new and radically different system of practicing the martial arts, one based on individualistic freedom of expression is unparalleled to this day in the pantheon of martial arts systems. His untimely death at the age of 33 surely precluded even greater accomplishments.

Universal Leadership: Bruce Lee operated from with the Socio-Political realm of USALANDIA primarily and from the New Asian and Pacific Islands secondarily. He embodied the principles of:

Universality. As evidenced by his synthesis of diversified martial arts styles.

Stoicism. His physical abilities and transcendence were examples of this virtue.

Advocacy. His ability to promote the practice of Martial Arts as an individual.

Liberty. Of the mind from the constraints imposed by martial art "systems".

Altruism. Freely sharing his insights and knowledge with others.

Nature. The function of the human body and it's usage in self-defense.

Demythology / Truth. His synthesis of multiple martial arts systems effected this result.

Individualism. His promotion of his revolutionary concepts promoted this approach.

Alacrity. Evidenced by his lifelong pursuit in this area of knowledge.

He was constrained by some of the ideas and preconceptions imposed on him in his early life in Hong Kong. His parents actually dressed him as a girl early in his life because there was supposed to be a family curse on the first born son. Some people still hold this to be true and point to the early deaths of both Bruce and his son Brandon as evidence that this curse did in fact exist. He was successful in freeing himself from many of the preconceptions one would normally expect in someone practicing a "traditional" martial art. He actually at one point was challenged and had to defend himself against another Chinese martial artist who was sent to prevent him from teaching any style of martial arts to anyone other than Chinese.

Of the Seven Arenas of Leadership, Bruce Lee operated within two of them. Primarily he was involved in the arena of what would loosely be called Defense and War. Albeit at the individual level and secondarily in the arena of the Humanities in the practice of Philosophy. His primary activities in this area were in the development of a system of martial arts which embodied not only unifying physical methods of self-defense but also the philosophical aspects of development related to this area of endeavor. The enduring popularity of his corpus of knowledge is a testament to its validity and timelessness.

Of the Ten Continuous Center of Conflict Bruce Lee directly experienced a number of these. Race, Ethnicity and Religion were all critical components of Bruce Lee's life experience. As an Asian in America in the early 1960's he experienced racial and ethnic prejudice. He was ostracized by his own ethnic group for breaking their unwritten rule of not teaching martial arts to any non-Chinese. While not directly mentioned, his broad reading and study in the areas of religion and philosophy indicate his dissatisfaction with the options presented to him if he had remained in the gateway defined by his own ethnic group. His ability to move beyond those constraints identifies Bruce Lee as a "Universal Leader". It is these characteristics which cause me to have a deep respect and admiration for Bruce Lee's life and writings.

As a leader, I would describe Bruce as a practitioner of a Psychodynamic, Transformational, Leader-Member Exchange, style of leadership. In addition, Bruce had Traits normally associated with revolutionary leaders. Intelligence, charisma, determination. His style as a leader was revolutionary and iconoclastic. His expectations for himself were high and he expected others around him to have those same ideals and aspirations.


While the preceding dissertations are not exactly along the lines of what was assigned for the class. I would hope that what is lacking in exactitude and volume are made up for by displaying insight, comprehension and interpretation to the subject matter and material. If this paper is lacking in desired breadth or depth, please allow me an additional day to produce whatever additional material would reassure you and convince you I have comprehended the subject material.

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